The beginnings of UPB can be traced back to 1991 in Liepāja, when Uldis Pīlēns, Oskars Mors, and Valdis Mors decided to establish the Arhitekta U.Pīlēna birojs. At that time, the dream was to build only five private houses, but over the past 30 years, UPB has evolved from a small construction and design company to become not only a recognized employer and labor taxpayer in the Kurzeme region, but also one of the leading industrial concerns and exporters in Latvia.
UPB is an industrial concern focused on development and growth, with over 30 years of successful experience in both the Latvian and foreign markets

The company must outgrow itself: from fragile to robust, from robust to anti-fragile, to become one that transforms and strengthens through desired difficulties.

UPB receives two highest awards at the Latvian Construction Awards 2022.
UPB has been recognized as the largest labor tax payer in the Kurzeme region.

Our new prefabricated concrete plant awarded as 2nd best industrial building in Latvia.
UPB has finished the frame and facade for climate neutral office building in Sweden – Hyllie Terass.

UPB celebrates its 30th anniversary.
UPB launches advanced prefabricated concrete plant in Liepaja.

Concrete research center opens its new laboratory in Riga.
Renewed operation of UPB building company GROTTA.

UPB group launches the digital solution company Alto 4.0.
The engineering office UAB UPB Engineers begins their work in Lithuania.
The engineering bureau Būve un Forma joins the UPB group.

UPB Energy starts a new business direction – cogeneration plant management and servicing.

Generation changes at the Board of UPB: Uldis Pīlēns and Oskars Mors leave the Board. The new Board of UPB - Dainis Bērziņš, Uģis Grīnbergs, Nora Kalna.
UPB becomes a full member of the Swedish Construction Federation.

UPB opens a subsidiary in London.

BIG FISH lifestyle warehouse designed and built by UPB opens in Liepāja.

In Liepaja a 12-apartment service hotel is being built for UPB employees.
A subsidiary company is being registered in Switzerland – UPB AG GmbH.

UPB opens a new office in Riga.
UPB registers a subsidiary in Sweden.

The construction of AILE, Stikla Centrs, and UPB Energy production facility buildings in Liepāja Industrial Park is being completed.

UPB Energy, specializing in cogeneration and trigeneration modules and plants for energy projects, has been established.
MB Betons group acquires the Concrete Research Centre (Betona pētījumu centrs).

MB Betons group builds a reinforced concrete factory in Liepāja.
MB Betons grupa establishes a construction waste recycling company IMS Liepāja.

JSC U.Pīlēna birojs changes name to JSC UPB (AS UPB).
Acquisition of manufacturer of steel structures – RK Metāls.

The engineering network construction company Būvmehanizācija is acquired.
MB Betons group acquires the Daugavpils Dzelzsbetons prefabricated concrete factory.
The education fund "Stabilitāte" is being established.

MB Betons group establishes the gravel quarry development company Inerto Materiālu Serviss (IMS).

Stiklu Centrs – manufacturer of insulated glass – is established.

Full-service engineering system management company ENNA is established.
JSC MB Betons (AS MB Betons) is established with a ready-mixed concrete production plant in Liepāja.

Limited Liability Company Arhitekta U.Pīlēna birojs becomes JSC U.Pīlēna birojs.

AILE PVC window and door factory is opened in Liepāja.

Construction company NAMS (currently UPB Nams) is established.

In Liepāja, a design and construction company is being established – Arhitekta U.Pīlēna birojs.